
September 2024

Después de una temporada sin voluntarios, ¡llegan dos voluntarias de Barcelona por tres meses a tiempo completo!

Lisbeth, abogada cusqueña, nos apoya para evitar que los procesos judiciales se prolonguen innecesariamente. !Muchas gracias!


August 2024










Amantaní 27 years.





We received a visit from Marta Salvat, who always helps us with the money collection from her Prayer Cards, and brings us games and her collection of stories, books and letters. Thank you.






August Adoption Council without any child or teenager designated from Amantani from the entire waiting list. Why? How much longer will they have to wait?






Once again Uttopy has donated t-shirts to Amantaní. Always in favor of causes that matter. Thank you!



July 2024




Two babies and other children are admitted urgently until they can be located.


We welcomed with great excitement the visit from S., who comes with his family from Norway, and the visit from A. who returns from the USA with his family for the second time. What a joy!





Pamela comes from Barcelona, ​​from the Bricall yarn store, with her family and organizes a workshop with the girls and boys of Amantaní in which they really enjoy learning. Thank you so much!








For the mid-year school holidays, we are invited to Ccorca for five days and 23 boys and girls go, enjoying themselves very much.


June 2024

A beautiful girl meets her new family from Lima and a happy family is born.





Seven-month-old baby from the provinces is admitted.


A beautiful girl meets her new family from Lima and a happy family is born.

Twenty boys, girls and teenagers still have their file at the Adoption Administration waiting to be assigned a family.









Enjoying the festivities in Cuzco.




April-may 2024

The Human Trafficking Prosecutor's Office and the National Police managed to dismantle a network that was dedicated to the sale of children, involving a National Police officer and a councilor. Five minors of ages between 1 and 2 have been rescued. In 2023, more than 300 missing minors were reported in the department of Cusco.


Yaiza and Judit arrived from Murcia five months ago to carry out their internships for their master's degree in psychology in social intervention. During this time they have lived with everyone, carrying out activities related to emotional intelligence, psychoeducationalworkshops, group dynamics and much more! THANK YOU.



March 2024





We celebrate the Easter holidays together.




Javier left when he was three years old and returns to Peru after sixteen years with his parents and his brother loaded with suitcases, and cooks a selection of Italian recipes for everyone in the mornings. THANK YOU Javier and family for this wonderful visit!



February 2024

Amantaní-BCN, gracias a Free Choir, organiza un concierto en Teresianas de Gaudi a favor de las casas de acogida de Amantaní Cuzco. El entusiasmo del coro y un aforo lleno y participativo lo convierten en un éxito. ¡GRACIAS a TODOS!





Gener 2024

Enjoying the holidays in the countryside for a month, thanks to the shelter that Amantani-UK leaves at our disposal. THANK YOU.

A beautiful five year old boy finally meets his new parents and love invades everything from the first instant. Congratulations.

For the first time in twenty-six years, 80% of the children and teenagers who live in Amantani have been or are going to be declared in a situation of lack of family protection so they could access an adoptive family. Before it was 20%.


December 2023



We had a very merry Christmas, getting together with all the family houses on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year's eve.





Amantaní-BCN publishes the 2024 calendar.












Papi Javier is back with his intensive program of fun activities for children and teenagers who, happy with the visit, reciprocate with well-rehearsed dances. The team also participates in the activities. THANK YOU.


For the eleventh time, Amantaní-BCN participates in the Pedralbes Christmas Market (Barcelona). A big thank you to the president Esther Musolas, to the whole team, and to everyone who attended and helped to make it a big success.




November 2023


Our three teenagers participate in the OMAPED (Municipal Office for People with Disabilities) program, enthusiastically attending the activities they carry out.




Marta Salvat has known Amantaní for many years and has donated the entire proceeds of her “Letters for prayers” to us since she created them to connect with gratitude. Thank you very much Martha.




Laura Mora comes as a volunteer for two months with a lot of art and skill and, among many other things, she records the song ”Tengo mi voz” with the children and teenagers. THANK YOU.





This year on November 1st we proposed to the boys, girls and teenagers of each family home that they choose the Saint they want and represent him or her with whaevert they can find at home, and share their story with everyone.




October 2023

Dos hermanos de siete y cuatro años inician muy felices su nueva vida junto a su nueva familia tras una larga espera.


August-september 2023

Amantaní cumple 26 años.





Un niño y una niña de tres años pueden irse con nuevas familias peruanas. Les deseamos toda la felicidad que ellos esperan y saben dar.

Ingresan catorce niños y niñas.



Contamos con el apoyo de voluntarias, entre ellas Ruth que regresa de Barcelona para repetir la experiencia. Gracias.



July 2023

Puede regresar una bebé con su padre y al momento de irse llega un bebé de seis meses.


Participan emocionados en las actividades y danzas organizadas en los colegios con motivo de las Fiestas patrias.



Recibimos con mucha alegría dos visitas, la de Thiago que ya tiene ocho años y la de Miguel Ángel con doce años. Gracias por mantener el contacto y porvolver.


Seguimos contando con el apoyo de tres voluntarias de España: Laura, Claudia y Xenia. Gracias.





___________________________________________________________________________ June 2023

Sigue la presión para albergar a niños y niñas por estar los centros de acogida llenos.


Después de dos Consejos de Adopciones sin que sea asignado ningún niño o niña de Amantaníya en el Registro, es asignado un precioso niño de dos años y medio al que le urge tener una familia.


Contamos con el apoyo de tres voluntarias de España.


Recibimos con mucha emoción la visita de Mónica que se fue con un año a Barcelona y ya tiene once. Estamos muy agradecidas por las noticias que nos han enviado durante todo este tiempo.


___________________________________________________________________________ May 2023

Llega la familia italiana asignada en la DGA a una maravillosa niña que ingresó en Amantaní con tres años y ya tiene nueve años y medio. Tras tantísima espera, vemos felices cómo se cumple un sueño, el de poder ejercer el derecho a vivir en familia.


Este mes han ingresado once menores y reingresa uno. Algunos son albergados con carácter de urgencia y se quedan poco tiempo. Los centros de acogida no pueden responder a la necesidad que hay de acogimiento por desprotección familiar.



April 2023


La terapeuta Nicole Gfeller regresa después de cinco años a Amantaní para volver a hacer trabajo voluntario seis meses con los niños, niñas y adolescentes, y talleres de capacitación al equipo, y ha hecho un excelente trabajo.


Este mes han ingresado diez niños y niñas, y otro niño ha reingresado.


March 2023

Empiezan los colegios. Los niños, niñas y adolescentes asisten a distintos colegio, en grupos de máximo seis niños, para dar un trato más personalizado.

Este mes ingresan seis niños.



Ingresa una bebé de tres semanas del Hospital.




Llega la tan esperada familia noruega con dos hijos para recoger a su tercera hija que se adapta rápidamente y muy feliz a su famiia. Vienen también los abuelos y el tío.



Por fin pueden venir los padres italianos de dos preciosos hermanos que les fueron asignados en el Consejo de Adopciones del pasado agosto después de esperar casi cuatro años. Un encuentro emocionante y maravilloso.


February 2023

El MIMP nos renueva la Acreditación de las casas de Amantaní.




Desde la última semana de enero todos los niños, niñas y adolescentes se instalan en Ccorca para pasar de nuevo las vacaciones de verano, gracias a Amantaní-Ccorca que nos cede sus instalaciones. Disfrutan al máximo de la naturaleza por las mañanas con sol, y por las tardes con lluvias fuertes juegan, dibujan, leen, ven videos, etc.



En febrero y agosto, siguiendo el cronograma de salud, hacemos un chequeo a todos los niños, niñas y adolescentes.



January 2023

Dos  adolescentes que llegaron con uno y dos años a Amantaní junto a sus hermanos mayores, pueden irse con ellos ahora que ya están independizados y establecidos.


December 2022



Amantaní-BCN vuelve a editar un calendario de  y para las casas de acogida de Amantaní en Cusco.



Diferentes personas van viniendo casi de sorpresa a alegrar la Navidad de Amantaní.










Como ya es tradición, hacemos nuestro belén viviente impriovisado en Navidad.



Recibimos con muchísima alegría las visitas de Abigail después de tres años y de María después de once años, que traen juguetes y panetones para sus amigos de Amantaní. Nos emociona verlas tan preciosas, felices y cariñosas, con sus padres adoptivos. GRACIAS.


Ingresan dos mellizos de ocho meses de Puerto Maldonado.


November 2022

La Asociación Amantaní-BCN participa por décima vez en el Mercat de Nadal de Pedralbes de Barcelona. Muchas gracias a todo el equipo organizador. Y a los asistentes.





Todos vienen a la despedida de Manu Casal quien, además de ayudar en todo y a todos, con la colaboración de sus amigos ha hecho regalos, detectando sus necesidades, desde los bebés hasta los adolescentes, y para facilitar el trabajo. GRACIAS. Dice que va a volver.





De nuevo por Navidad regresa el profesor de música un mes para ensayar villancicos dos veces por semana.


Ingresan dos hermanos de 2 años y 7 meses y una niña de un año puede regresar con su madre adolescente con el apoyo de su familia.

Empiezan a trabajar dos practicums de la Universidad de Barcelona que nos acompañarán hasta febrero.


October 2022




Este mes celebramos muchos cumpleaños que todos esperan con tanta emoción. De dos en dos para no quitarles protagonismo.




Alejandro y Marina de la asociación Indakana invitan y acompañan a los adolescentes de Amantaní a un fin de semana en Lares con tiendas de campaña y disfrutan todos muchísimo.


Después de dos consejos de adopciones sin asignaciones, una bebé de diez meses que llegó con días es designada a una familia noruega.


September 2022



Los amigos de Indakana nos invitan al GRAN CIRCO que llega a Cusco con su espectáculo LOVE. Los pequeños, medianos y adolescentes disfrutan de un maravillo espectáculo y van al circo por primera vez. GRACIAS.




Los niños, niñas y adolescentes de las casas familiares reciben clases de un profesor de deporte con quien hacen ejercios de coordinación, reflejos, velocidad, agilidad, etc. en una cancha cercana tres días a la semana una hora intensiva y van entusiasmados.


Llega desde Galicia por dos meses Manuela, una voluntaria que es profesora y actriz de teatro y enseña a los niños de todas las edades. Y ayuda en lo que haga falta. ¡Muchas gracias!




August 2022



Vuelve Indakana, una asociación de Almería que nos apoya, con voluntarios para hacer  todo tipo de actividades durante una semana: sesiones deportivas, pintado de murales  en las habitaciones, charlas sobre la felicidad, cuenta cuentos , salida a aguas termales en el Valle, etc. GRACIAS.



Recibimos con mucha emoción la esperada visita de Nuria Balius y Alex Ortuño que vienen apoyando a Amantaní desde sus inicios, su hijo vino de voluntario, etc. ¡Gracias por venir!


Viene de Barcelona por segunda vez desde que se fue de  pequeño, Mario con su familia, y comparte varios días con los adolescentes de su edad.   Gracias y esperamos tu regreso. Y recibimos por sorpresa y con alegría la visita de Fátima con su madre después de dieciséis años.



En diversas ocasiones la UPE nos solicita acoger con carácter de urgencia por unos  días a grupos de hermanos hasta que puedan ingresar en otro centro de acogida.

La mayoría de los centros de acogida de Cusco están con su



July 2022


Nuestros niños participan en las actividades escolares de Fiestas Patrias.




Ingresan dos bebés, una de Madre de Dios, y el hermano de ocho años de de tres hermanas.



Recibimos la visita de Javier y sus padres desde Madrid después de 8 años con mucha emoción.



Contamos con el apoyo de Beatriz, una excelente profesora. Gracias.


June 2022

Por el alza de contagios de Covid algunos colegios vuelven a imponer las clases virtuales, que tanto han perjudicado al nivel educativo.

La gerencia regional de Educación de Cusco ha sugerido declarar en emergencia el desarrollo de aprendizajes en la región, con un 85% de escolares con problemas en matemáticas y en comprensión lectora, resultados que tienen que ver también con dos años de clases virtuales.


Los pequeños siguen recibiendo acompañamiento por las tardes con el método Montessori.





Nuestros niños y niñas participan en las danzas y actividades escolares por las fiestas de Cusco.





Salimos al campo para hacer huatias y los niños disfrutan mucho.



K. de tres años puede regresar con su abuela después de vivir ocho meses en  Amantaní.


May 2022


Since the beginning of May we are expecting the arrival of four- year- old F.’s
family. He has been waiting for them for so long!



April 2022





La Asociación Amantaní-BCN organiza el V Torneo de Padel benéfico, logrando gran participación de empresas colaboradoras con premios y participantes. Muchas gracias a todos y a Esther Musolas, presidenta de la Asociación.



Twenty-two children have entered Amantani this year, amongst them there arefour groups of brothers and brothers of children who are already at Amantani and who come from other centres on the grounds of family reunification. After two years of Covid, admissions dropped significantly, but since social activity is back to normal the Residential Care Homes for children are full again.



We celebrate the Holy Week with lots of different activities: we make crosses out of plants, the twelve dishes traditional meal on Holy Thursday, the Stations of the Cross, a drawing competition, a meal on Resurrection Sunday, etc.





They come from C.S Wanchaq to fluoridate the water and all the children have a dental check-up.







We receive a surprise donation by the San Juan de Dios Clinique, disposable
nappies, medical equipment, face masks, etc. Thank you.



March  2022

After interrupting his annual visits due to the pandemic, Papi Javier returns to Amantani and he once again delights everyone and takes them for a walk, to
funfairs, to the cinema, to have an ice-cream, to the zoo, to pizza restaurants,
horse-riding, boat rides, mechanical game, etc. To show their gratitude to Papi

Javier boys, girls and adolescents practice a lot before they perform and dance for
him. There is also time enough for dinner parties with the team. Thank you.








February  2022

Y. llegó bebé y con cuatro años se encuentra por fin con su nueva familia a la que tanto ha esperado.




Este año, en el que por fin se reanudan las clases presenciales después de dos largos años de interrupción, volvemos a contar por onceavo año consecutivo con el apoyo del Ayuntamiento de San José de la Rinconada de Sevilla para nuestro proyecto educativo.




January  2022




A three-week-old baby girl enters Amantani. She is from Espinar where she was on the news and she has been given nappies, bottles, clothes, baby milk as presents plus anything she could possibly need. It is the first time a baby arrives at Amantani with so much luggage.





Boys, girls, and adolescents go away on holiday to Amantani-Ccorca’s where they have been offered to stay, initially, for a month. They have a varied programme of activities in contact with nature.



After living at Amantani for four years, two brothers aged eight and four are leaving us to go with their new French parents;  it’s a new lovely family! We wish them all the happiness in the world.

We count on Zulima’s support, she is a volunteer from Salamanca who helps us in whatever is needed. Thank you very much.

We celebrate the wisemen tea with presents


December  2021






Twelve boys, girls and adolescents see their dream of having a new family come true, despite a long wait for many of them.

Second year remote learning is over, having a detrimental effect not only on boys’, girls’ and adolescents’ education but also on their socializing.



A new Amantani calendar is issued by Amantani-Bcn.




Amantani-Bcn takes part in Pedralbes Christmas market in Barcelona. The first market in Pedralbes was in 2012. Thank you to the organizers, to Esther Musolas the president of the Association and to all the other participants.




Nuria Garcia Fundación will carry on giving us their support for the Health nutrition and strengthening Project. THANK YOU!



The Italian family of R., four years old, arrives. He was only three months old when he entered Amantani! You have been waiting for your family for so long!


November  2021



We begin the music lessons to sing Christmas carols, like every Christmas.




Three carers are infected at the same time, and they need to quarantine.

We count on two more volunteers, Maria Vall and Pablo Baurier, who give us their support. Thank you!

Two pairs of brothers can return with their families after living at Amantaní for seven months, one of the pairs goes to Puno and the other to Abancay.


October  2021

Three children under two years of age who entered Amantani because of their families’ absence and negligence can now return with them.





Once again, the adoptive parents of two brothers come all the way from the United States to organize a big party and they bring along with them suitcases full of presents. Thank you.


Various adolescents from the Special Protection Unity and from the Court are admitted in an emergency short stay ward.

Two volunteers, Paula Beneito and Pablo Codinachs, come all the way from Barcelona to help us in whatever way necessary. Thank you.


September  2021

Covid -19 transmission rate remains low and there is no surge of the announced third wave so far. Online schooling continues which not only has an impact but it is also detrimental to education in Peru after having used this modality for nearly two years.

 At the age of eleven, A. has made his dream come true and has a new family


Montessori method is widely used at Amantani.




August  2021

After three years and a half A., eventually, goes with his Italian adoptive parents with whom he has fully adjusted and integrated.

Three sisters can go with their new family after living at Amantani for five years They are very happy. It is an extraordinary adoption!

Thanks to INTRESS we can count on a professional who   uses a literacy skills programme for girls and boys who were struggling as a result of a year and a half online schooling.




July  2021

We really appreciate volunteer Miluska from Lima returning to Amantani. Also, Angel has returned from Murcia where he was already giving us support

Three-year-old E leaves Amantani to go with his new family. For the first time it is a single parent family for a standard child adoption.


June  2021

June begins with the highest rates of Covid transmission.

S’s mother eventually arrives at Amantani from the Vasc country after both having waited for so long for this to happen. It is the second adoption in the year.



The virtual classes continue, which implies a great effort to accompany and lower the level of teaching, with evident effects after a year and a half.


Llega del País Vasco la madre adoptiva de S. después de haber esperado tanto. Ha sido posible que Samanta esté en las mejores manos. Les deseamos todo lo mejor. Segunda adopción del año.

Se va L.E., con dos años, feliz con su nueva familia.


May  2021

Día del trabajador

En Perú existen 818 mil niños y niñas, entre 5 y 13 años, y adolescentes que trabajan para ayudar económicamente a sus familias. Y hay riesgo de que el trabajo infantil pueda aumentar por la pandemia.

La ONU ha declarado el año 2021 Año Internacional para la Eliminación del Trabajo Infantil.

Ingresan un bebé y una adolescente y  de nuevo en la prueba sale que ya han pasado la Covid.

Llega por fin de Italia la familia de S. que tanto ha esperado y está tan feliz que se hubiera ido el primer día con sus nuevos padres.

El MIMP (Ministerio de la Mujer y poblaciones Vulnerables) nos hace un operativo virtual con Declaración Jurada, la nueva modalidad impuesta por la Covid. El anterior operativo que nos realizaron fue presencial el pasado febrero y conformado por cinco instituciones del estado.


Nos llega de Barcelona una donación de 500 mascarillas para bebés y niños pequeños de la empresa ROBIN HAT, que ha colaborado con más de 57 entidades y ONG distribuyendo mascarillas y gorros quirúrgicos con diseños.





April  2021

After a time without volunteers, for two months we have the support of a Lima volunteer, Miluska, who comes to help with everything, from Monday to Sunday and from early to late. THANK YOU.



Ingresan 3 hermanos y al poco otros 3 hermanos. Les sale en la prueba rápida que ya han pasado el Covid.


Fumigamos el Hogar.




La voluntaria Miluska organiza un paseo alquilando un autocar y los niños pueden salir al bosque.



March  2021

Cusco becomes one of the hardest hit regions by Covid.

Fifteen months old baby who was admitted in hospital straight after he was born and subsequently entered Amantani is now able to return with his family.

The process of finding an adoptive family for girls and boys is slowed down by the court and the DGA.


February  2021

Second Covid wave gains pace. Cusco has not yet been one of the most affected regions.

A premature baby enters Amantani after three months in hospital for lung dysplasia treatment. He tested positive with no symptoms before he was discharged from hospital.

All the boys, girls and adolescents in the Family Houses go on holidays to Ccorca  after going under semi-lockdown for a year. Amantani Ccorca’s facilities are at our disposal. Thank you to Laura Rielly and to her friends too.



Gener  2021

Expected covid-19 second wave outbreak arrives in Peru. Cusco is not one of the worst hit regions.

A few days old baby arrives at Amantani with a negative covid 19 test result. He is underweight; he starts gaining weight from the start.

A mini project on handcrafted soaps is undertaken by the adolescents along with with Alexandra from Allyllanchu who comes to Amantani to train them.

They all participate in different workshops, (sports, handicraft, etc…) to enjoy and develop their skills and to find out their own interests. Thank you for all the initiatives taken.




December 2020





A new Amantani calendar is issued by Amantani-Bcn.


We are very excited with the arrival of three year old R.’s family!



 A Christmas is presented with activities and special gifts thanks to the people who have become Three Kings for Amantaní.


THANKS to HALO (Helping And Loving Orphans), its founder Betty Tisdale and her daughter Kim for supporting Amantaní.

Receiving news and being able to keep in touch with the children with whom we have shared so many experiences in Amantaní fills us with happiness and energy. And thanks.


November  2020

Bread baking with the children’s collaboration of the traditional wawa and horse bread at the Residential Children’s Care Home and they are all so happy!



Two brothers, four and two years of age, are going to live with their aunt and uncle.
We are very grateful to the psychologist Loreto Santé for her consistent support to the girls and boys at Amantani.


October  2020

Vaccination Schedule was interrupted last March due to Covid 19 and CS come from Wanchaq to give everyone all the pending vaccines.





Nuria Garcia Fundación will carry on giving us their support for the Health nutrition and strengthening Project. THANK YOU!





After a very long time, the uniform has been changed by the mami’s own iniciative.




Eventually A’s (4) Italian parents have arrived after having waited for so long! Very emotional! So much happiness for the new family.

An adolescent re-enters Amantani after a very long time.

September is over and it seems that the number of Coronavirus cases has eventually dropped. Hospital admissions in Cusco too.


September 2020

Since DGA Council last February there has been no allocations from Amantani. R was allocated in September. She was a newborn baby when she arrived at Amantani and she is now three and a half years old. Six children including R found a new family in 2020. Many others are still waiting.






A newborn baby enters at Amantaní.

To compensate for the closure of the schools many activities are carried out at home and we go on outings to the hills close to the Family Houses

Cuzco goes back to quarantine measures due to the increase of coronavirus cases overwhelming Cuzco’s medical system. Perú has the highest death toll per a hundred thousand inhabitants.


August 2020

The coronavirus has reached Amantani despite all precautions and efforts made.  It reached first the Family Houses where children, adolescents and even the most vulnerable are asymptomatic or have very light symptoms. Carers diplay worse symptoms but they are still gradually going back to work. At the Children’s Home no children but two adults have been infected by covid -19 and they will temporarily leave. We have decided to buy our own serological tests due to the sanitary authorites’ slow reaction. The serological tests to detect infection are being carried out by Pilar.

New university admissions. Eighteen old B enrolled at university to do an engineering degree. J entered Buckner residence when he turned eighteen and he applied for a place at university to do a Psychology degree and he was admitted. They are all getting closer to achieving their goals. We have no doubts that they will do so.

After eight months living at Amantani, X (a three year old) has eventually been given to the care of his/ her aunt who has taken him/ her in with all her love. She/ he is very happy

Despite the risk, 0 to 5 year old girls vaccination programme has been interrupted since the beginning of Covid outbreak last March

Court for vulnerable families procedures has been halted and waiting time for children's rights to foster care and adoption will take even longer.


July 2020
Amantani  boarding staff become non- boarding as from July the first.

First baby girl enters Amantani since the beginning of Covid-19 outbreak. Eventually she has access to fast testing and she tests negative. This newborn baby girl was found on the Calca road.



A beautiful three- year- old girl who entered Amantani last December 2019 is given into the care of her aunt from foster care. She was in touch with her aunt via whatsapp videocalls for various months. She is very happy to go with her aunt.


June 2020

Governmental entities dedicated to children and adolescents from vulnerable families have not given any support to Children’s Home, despite having asked for help. The Governmental entities have also left unattended Children’s Home’s requests for minors applying for shelter to have diagnostic tests done.

After not having any new children coming in at Amantani for three months, we decide to let in a two year old as we find out that there is a hospital in which diagnostic tests are carried out and we get a discount . The boy tested  positive and sadly enough he can not stay at Amantani. The carers who took the boy to hospital will have to quarantine for fourteen days.


She was seven when she arrived at Amantani with her brothers from the jungle. She turned 18 last March and she got in Bukner residence hall to carry on with her studies.  She managed to pass her access to university test! We have no doubts that with your determination you will achieve all your goals! Congratulations!



Governmental institutions dedicated to Guardianship Investigations being semi-paralyzed is detrimental to boys, girls and adolescents as the process takes longer.


Unawares of this, boys and girls live in the present, they enjoy themselves painting their face masks ; they get ready for when they can go out for a while.


Many thanks for the news received from those who lived with us at Amantani. Thank you very much to M. for your support from Barcelona, thank you to T. in Lima for her wonderful Michael Jackson dance style, to D. in Switzerland for playing the guitar beautifully and to F. from Malaga who sent us his/ her excellent marks. It makes us really happy!


May  2020

Under lockdown primary  care  staff have continued to reside at Amantani throughout April.  On the first of May we celebrate the International Worker’s Day with a fraternity meal to acknowledge our gratitude for our mission. We are committed to protect our key workers that reside at Amantani. We thank HALO for their support.



April  2020

We try to follow the Government’s online academic virtual programme and the tasks set by schools, despite the difficulties with multi-grade groups of children and adolescents. The situation changed in March before most of the students had started in school and they are expected to carry on in the same way throughout the  academic year.



Despite lockdown two nine and seven year old sisters are assigned to their Italian parents after the empathy process is carried out through videocalls.  Their parents had to be in Lima for over a month before they fetched their daughters at Amantani. They all went back to Lima and they hope they can fly to Italy.



We thank all those who have brought us fruit, nappies, rice, quaker  and given donations to Amantani. We also thank the firm Belmont for their three week bread delivery for free.



PNP has requested Amantani to take in children and adolescents. For the first time in twenty three years we say no to PNP as a preventive measure.

 We have requested that Covid-19 tests are carried out to any child who needs to enter a Children’s Home during lockdown in order to rule out infection. But this is not included in the protocol when they do not show symptoms and we do not have enough staff to take care of cases in isolation.



March 2020


Under lockdown we reduce staff to the minimum required. Mothers can only visit their children at restricted times.  





On March the second three year old children begin at school with enthusiasm.



El 11 de marzo dejan de asistir porque el gobierno aplaza el inicio de clases de centros públicos y privados al 30 de marzo por prevención.




We are looking forward to one of our girls meeting her adoptive parents from Perú for the first time. She was four days old when she arrived at Amantani and she is now a year and ten months old.


Two youngsters, who have been living at Amantani for nine years with their brothers, have registered at Buckner boarding school to improve themselves and devote their time to study. We have no doubts that they will take advantage of this opportunity.





Four admissions and two re-admissions since the beginning of the year. And seventeen emergency admissions.




February 2019

During school holidays and following the health established timeline all children over five years of age visit the GP, eye specialist and the dentist for a check up and they have a blood test too.

Montse Clarasó, Ana and Begoña Iglesias arrive at Amantani to help us out and they give us their total support. THANKS SO MUCH!

Antonia leaves Amantani after being responsible for the kitchen and the laundry for fourteen years. She says she will return.

Gabriel ‘s young parents arrive at Amantani from Italy. Gabriel will receive all the love he is capable of giving.  The parents of two sisters arrive at Amantani from Italy aswell.  The two sisters have been waiting for nearly four years. It is very moving.



Court hand over two brothers, a five and an eight year old, to their mother and aunt after three years living at Amantani. They will live in the jungle. We wish you all the best!


Court hand over two brothers, a five and an eight year old, to their mother and aunt after three years living at Amantani. They will live in the jungle. We wish you all the best!


Gener 2019

As usual on New Year’s Eve we are all wearing fancy dresses to celebrate the New Year. Marina and Curro come over as our special guests for the third time. Thank you.

Merry Christmas

Every Christmas Luis Balius organizes a friends dinner party where he exibits his new and creative nativities. The money collected is for Amantani. Many thanks!






Once again Amantani publishes a new year 2020 calendar.



76 emergency admissions

9 re admissions

7 admissions


We really enjoy our CHRISTMAS with our friends participation  and also our very special guest Mariona coming from Barcelona with her family after thirteen. They give us their support and they spend the 24th and on the 25th  with us. 

This year it was possible for nine boys, girls and adolescents to exercise their long deferred right to family life with adoptive families. Amongst them there are two groups of brothers of six and 8 years of age and and six and thirteen years which has filled us with happiness. Many other children will spend Christmas at Amantani hoping that the New Year will bring a family for them.




School year finishes and most of the students get good marks expect for one case which is the exception that proves the rule.


November 2019

We received the visit from Clara Planas and Laura Durán, Amantani collaborators. Thanks so much for your support!

We go back to Ccorca for All Saints long weekend, where Amantaní-Ccorca let us use their facilities again. THANK YOU!




November the 2nd we go to the cementery and we eat and drink with the relatives of the deceased this coincides with the admission of five children. Doce ingresos en total en lo que llevamos de mes. Trece ingresos en total en lo que llevamos de mes.

Due to the intense rain, the entire ground floor of the house , and the courtyard of the annexed family house, are flooded with dirty sewage water, which requires urgent measures to be taken, since the rainy season is only beginning.






October 2019

We have the support of excellent volunteers. Thank you so much to Inés Espuny, Paula Arana, David, and Carmen Xiberta who repeats  volunteering  for 3 months. And more thanks to Vinyet and the Spanish practicums.


July-September 2019

Expected family for two brothers aged 13 and 6 arrive at Amantaní from Peru and also another family from Italy for these other two brothers aged 8 and 6. Huge emotion and a dream come true for these children, their new families and the whole of Amantaní.


June 2019

Despedimos en procesion a Demetrio, que vivió con nosotros y con 19 años nos ha dejado inesperadamente por problemas de salud. Deme, formas parte de nuestra vida y siempre te recordaremos.


Visita anunciada y muy esperada de Javier Echevarría y su hija Laura! Programa de actividades intensivo para disfrute de todos que cada año cumple y supera las expectativas. ¡GRACIAS!


Este verano viene un equipo de voluntarias de nivel: Mireia, Marina, Teresa, Julia. Y Sonia y su hija Julia, a tiempo completo apoyando en en TODO lo que hace falta. !Muchísimas GRACIAS!



May 2019

Amantaní-BCN organiza el IV Torneo benéfico de Padel y es un éxito. Mil gracias a las organizadoras, a las personas que han apoyado y a los asistentes!

Parte de nuestros adolescentes realizan un taller de serigrafía gracias a Allillanchu.

El Día del Trabajador nos acordamos de todos los niños y niñas que trabajan antes de tiempo. En Sudamérica la tasa más alta de trabajo infantil la tiene Perú con un 21.8%.



Agradecemos al equipo de Amantaní, formado casi en su totalidad por mujeres, por dedicarse a este maravilloso trabajo.



April 2019

La Fundación Nuria García apoya un proyecto a favor de los niños, niñas y adolescentes de Amantaní que permitirá ampliar la atención sanitaria y mejorar su nutrición. GRACIAS.


Siguen por fin las asignaciones de la DGA, y van a poder ejercer su postergado derecho a vivir en familia una niña de dos años y medio que se irá a Lima y una niña de cuatro años que vivirá en EEUU. Las dos no pueden ser más bonitas.


Acaba su voluntariado Carmen Xiberta después de casi tres meses de repartir amor y enseñanzas a los pequeños, y ayudar en lo que haga falta a los mayores. GRACIAS por todo Carmen.



March 2019

Empiezan los colegios. Cuarenta y tres niños escolarizados en doce centros educativos. Gracias a los que habéis apoyado con las interminables listas de útiles escolares. Y especialmente al apoyo del Jardín Thaniwawa y María Rovira, y de los colegios Pukllasunchis, Montessori en los Andes y Monteverde.


Llega una familia de Lima para la maravillosa Abigail, que cumple dos años y llegó a Amantaní de bebé. Y se van los tres tan felices.


February 2019

Eight children have already entered since the beginning of the New Year and seven applications to enter Amantani have been turned down..

Volunteers and practicums eventually arrive at Amantani.

Two sisters, nine and 12 years of age, who stayed at Amantani for two years are going to live with their grandmother who lives with one of her sisters in a rural community. We will carry on giving them our support. 



For over a year none of our children had the option to access an adoptive family and we are now very happily expecting the arrival of the parents of a six year old girl from Italy.


Gener 2019

Seven children have already entered since the beginning of the New Year and seven applications to enter Amantani have been turned down.

Two groups of children go every year to Ccorca to spend part of the holidays in the facilities that Amantaní-Ccorca gives us. THANK YOU.

Seventeen year old Ana entered Amantani when she was five months old and she is now going back to live with her family for good. She is very happy.


December 2018

Six children were referred to Amantani by the Family Police Comissioner and one child re enters this Christmas.


Just three children have been able to have an adoptive family throughout in 2018. Many other boys and girls who have already been at Amantani for a very long time will still have to remain at Amantani for longer as there are no adoptive families available. They will have to wait till next year for their dream to come true due to administrative delays.

Amantaní 2018: Fifteen children entered Amantani, more than fourty eight were taken in temporarily and four children re entered. We are not able to attend to many of the applications for entering Amantani.

Aquí puedes ver nuestro video de Navidad !

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De nuevo Amantaní-BCN edita un calendario, para el nuevo año 2019, esta vez expresando los deseos de los niños.

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La Asociación Amantaní-BCN pone parada en el Mercat de Pedralbes por 7º año consecutivo para apoyar a las casas de Amantaní en Cuzco y es un éxito. ¡Gracias!

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Zangozako Ikastola (Navarra) organizó la 18ª edición de su Mercadillo Solidario a favor de Amantaní. ¡Gracias por tantos años apoyándonos!

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Esta Navidad recibimos con mucha alegría la visita de Darío, que regresa después de cinco años!


November 2018

Ingresan de noche como medida de protección de urgencia cuatro niños. Y para quedarse, a mediano o largo plazo, una hermanitaa de trece meses de una de nuestras niñas -padres alcohólicos- que llega pesando 5 kilos y medio. También un recién nacido hijo de madre incapacitada.

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Actualizamos los trámites para la renovación bianaual de nuestras casas en el Registro Central de Lima, del Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables.


October 2018

Amantaní-BCN organiza junto a Free Choir  un concierto de góspel en el Colegio Teresianas de Barcelona de Gaudí. Gracias a todos los que asistieron!

Gracias de nuevo al apoyo de la Fundación Mercedes Armengou Riera estamos pudiendo realizar las mejoras que necesitamos para atender mejor a los niños, niñas y adolescentes.


August 2018

Un niño y una niña que llegaron bebés a Amantaní y tienen ya dos años y ocho meses, por fin son asignados a dos familias peruanas. Les deseamos toda la felicidad que ellos saben regalar cada día.


July 2018

Ingresan bebés, entre ellos dos mellizos de Quillabamba.

Nos vamos a hacer un camping a Katañiray organizado por Luis y Marina, y todos lo pasamos magníficamente.


June 2018

¡Llegan voluntarios! Entre ellos el esperado Luis dispuesto a todo y Anuk que nos decora la casa y lo que haga falta. ¡Muchas gracias!

Kim Tisdale a través de HALO (Helping And Loving Orphans) vuelve a apoyar las necesidades de Amantaní. Más GRACIAS.

Reingresa una niña, esta vez con su nuevo hermano.


May 2018

Después de seis meses sin ninguna designación en la Dirección General de Adopciones, un precioso niño que llegó con tres meses y ya va a cumplir 3 años es designado a una familia de Lima que llegará en junio. Tarde pero llegó la alegría.

Dos hermanas de 14 y 6 años van a poder irse a vivir con sus abuelos a Lima después de estar año y medio en Amantaní.

Con la llegada de la helada, tres bebés ingresan en el Hospital.


April 2018

Recibimos la visita anual de Javier Echevarría Pérez, que este año viene con su hija Laura. Salidas, paseos, juegos y sorpresas para todos, niños, niñas, adolescentes y personal. GRACIASSS!


March 2018

Inicio de colegios. Cuarenta y ocho de nuestros niños, niñas y adolescentes, desde los tres años de edad, ya han empezado a asistir.

Marina Bertrán sigue apoyando a tiempo completo a los niños, niñas y adolescentes de Amantaní, buscando recursos locales y fomentando la responsabilidad social en las empresas cusqueñas. Gracias!!!


February 2017

Amantaní-Ccorca nos deja sus instalaciones y los niños se van de veraneo, primero los pequeños y luego los medianos, una quincena cada grupo. GRACIAS.

Patricia es de Lima y es nuestra voluntaria de este verano.


January 2017

Ingresan dos niñas de tres años y un año como medida de protección por estar sus padres ebrios y ambas son devueltas a su familia.

Llegan desde una comunidad de altura dos hermanos, de diez meses y tres años, cuyos padres son alcohólicos; una bebé de 17 meses hija de padres alcohólicos; y una bebé de 17 meses de Machu Picchu de madre incapacitada. Y el último, un bebé de cuatro días y 2.440 kg.

Tenemos que decir no a solicitudes de ingreso de hermanos por no tener más capacidad en estos momentos al haber pocos externamientos.


Entramos en el nuevo año con nuestra ya tradicional fiesta de disfraces. Y vienen Marina y Curro!

Recibimos la visita de Nicole con su familia. Qué alegría.


December 2017


Recibimos la visita de Laura Reill y su hijos Edwin y Dulce a los dos años de irse, y durante casi una semana disfrutamos de su compañía. GRACIAS.


Amantaní-BCN organiza una fiesta en Barcelona el 12 de diciembre para celebrar que Amantaní cumple 20 años y participan casi 200 personas. GRACIAS!

Por 6º año la Asociación Amantaní-BCN pone parada en el Mercat de Pedralbes para apoyar a las casas de Amantaní en Cuzco. GRACIAS!

Llegan desde Bélgica los padres de Jesús, que ingresó con días el día de Navidad hace ya dos años, y todo son sonrisas y amor desde el primer instante.


November 2017


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Flor cumple 8 años y pide muy concentrada su deseo. ¿Cual será?






Tres niños reciben emocionados el Bautismo y hacen su Primera Comunión.


October 2017

Idoia, después de venir a hacer voluntariado a Amantaní durante sus vacaciones de profesora de educación especial, asume desde Alava todos los gastos de la nueva intervención que requiere Samanta (extracción de un riñón), los pasajes a Lima de Samanta y su cuidadora que le acompaña todo el tiempo, y la llena de regalos en su cumpleaños. Gracias por todo el amor que le has dado.





September 2017

Recibimos todos con mucha emoción la visita de Mario que tiene ahora diez años y se fue a vivir a Barcelona. Él y sus padres comparten mucho tiempo con los niños en Amantaní.

Se va Sadhit muy feliz con sus nuevos papás después de mucho esperarlos. Y también Ismael se va con su nueva familia!

Organizan un 2º Concierto Pro-Amantaní en Villa Emilia. Gracias Chicho y Elena Romagosa y Nuria Balius y Alex.


August 2017

llega a Amantaní y, además de pintar y arreglar el hogar, cubren necesidades de las cinco casas y de todos los niños, traen juegos y les organizan actividades y salidas. GRACIAS por vuestra visita y por toda vuestra ayuda!!!





June 2017

We are going through the annual winter frost season and cold fronts at Cusco.

Three boys are admitted in hospital, three different diagnosis. A Million thanks to  for all your support given for the permanent accompanying service and the tests which are not covered by SIS (Peru’s  Comprehensive health System).




May 2017

We want to thank the organizers- Esther, Nuria, Eli, Elena, Fernanda y Cuca- and also a the participants in the Barcelona pro- Amantani Paddle Tennis II Tournament.

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Mother’s Day in Peru so much celebrated and so hard for many girls and boys.




A beautiful year and a half old girl is admitted to hospital and she is operated on. She is already back at the Home for Children.


Two babies.

Luz Marina has already got a family. What a relief that her dream has come true !!!

Ivette turns 22 years old.

Despite not having the legal capacity to admit anymore children at Amantani, 19 boys and girls have been admitted since the beginning of the year, and 12 were admitted in emergency for a night. And readmission of a five year old girl whose mother managed to take her out without permission.


April 2017

Six year old Estella and 10 year old Carla can go back with their families after living at Amantani for a year and a half.

Second girl from Amantani begins to live independently as she is coming of age- she is turning 18.

Margot returns to take care of the babies.


March 2017

Beginnig of school year. Thanks to the support given by the Rinconada de Sevilla Council through Ananaw Wasi, we can access to better educational centres for the children who need them and to support teachers. THANKS SO MUCH.

Sebastian Jeronimo, so lovely, has already got a family.


February 2017

Javier Echevarria comes back  and as usual he organizes activities for everyone at Amantaní.


January 2017


Amantani’ s children are going to  Corca for a ten day summer holiday. Amantani –Corca 
are making  their facilities available to us. Thank you.





Three sisters are taken in at Amantani. And two brothers.


Various articles in the Children and Adolescence Code have  been modified by the 1297 Decree of Law and  many aspects of the intervention have been specified.

Happy New year 2017

We are all together in costumes to enter in the new year, 2017.


December 2016



A fifth calendar has been published by Bcn Amantaní to give  support to Amantani’ s children. Thank You.







Carlos Pérez- Albert and his family visit us and give Amantani support. Thank you Carlos,Titi and Camila.

It is very moving to receive messages from the children who lived at Amantani and left with their families.



Once again Luis Balius organizes a Christmas dinner party , we see his nativity  and money is collected for Amantani. Thank you.


Once again  Aurora Echevarría comes over to help out in whatever is needed at Amantani. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

In Peru : 180 in total, half of them are national adoptions and the rest are international. Only thirteen are from  Amantani, out of which 11 are priority adoptions ( 5 groups of siblings ).

Some of the children who are still waiting for a family spend their Christmas at Amantani , once again.

75 children entered and re-entered at Amantani during 2016.  Since 2008 we had not had so many children entering at Amantani. 

In addition, sometimes we have to take in children or adolescents for one or two days until a place for them is found.


Amantani permanent collaborator Isabel is releasing a new album ; this time is a bolero- jazz and eighty per cent of its benefits will be allocated to help Amantani. Thank you.





November 2016





For the fifth year running Amantani Bcn Association takes part in the Pedralbes Christmas  market, this time with one more stall. Thank you very much to the Director of the market Esther Musolas, to our friends from Teresianas and to everyone who have made it possible to continue organizing this market with such great enthusiasm and success.

With the arrival of  two sisters a 12 year old and a 5 year old ,whose parents are inebriated, it is 1, 300 children that have been sheltered at Amantani.







Daddy Mike carrying on is so important for both the path that Amantani followed and it is still following now- contributing in its shaping- and also for all those who have had the chance to meet him. Thank you Mike Partridge and DSL Plastics for all the support and affection you have given to Amantani’s children and for continuing helping them.

And his son Duncan Brown organizes some fundraising in which an important amount is collected for Amantani. THANK YOU.

Curro and Marina return with loaded suitcases, lot’s of plans to do with the children and adolescents and ready to help out with whatever they are needed for. THANK YOU. It is them who create Amantani’s facebook page.

Once again  Aurora Echevarría comes over to help out in whatever is needed at Amantani. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.


Rod & Company, a family company from Malaga which organizes special events has decided to help out Amantani by giving an annual contribution.

foodtruck #  Volkswagen # weeding events.
THANK YOU Betty and Hans for your support. /


Claudia from Barcelona and Helda from Alemania arrive at Amantani to work as volunteers on a long term basis. Thank you.

Lidia and Pilar arrive at Amantani  having just finished their master on Cooperation at Valencia University and they do more than just their practicum and help us out. Thank you.



Judith is thirteen years old and like all the other adolescents in the Family Houses at Amantani from this age onwards it is compulsory for them to do volunteer work one afternoon per week at Amantani Home for Children


The Certification of all the Houses at Amantani has been renovated by the Central Register of Institutions at Lima from MIMP.


October 2016


Our friend Mafer turns ten and she comes back to celebrate her birthday with the children at Amantani who are are very happy with the party. Thank you so much for such a beautiful surprise!!!




Once again  Mike Turner and his friend raise funds from  Colorado  for Amantani. Thank you.


DGA inform us that two siblings,  five and a three years of age respectively , have been allocated to an Italian couple who reside in Lima

Cusco Municipality accepts our application to be included in the Complementary Food Programme.  Mid October onwards.



September 2016

On September the 14th  international adoptions in  Peru  are paralyzed by the MIMP. On a temporary basis until they reorganize themselves. Meanwhile those who are amongst priority adoptions ( groups of siblings, over nine year olds ) will have to wait longer to have access to a family.


Cooking workshop for the little ones are organized by volunteers : Laura and Oriol.




Double birthday party with the cake baked in the cooking workshop.



July-August 2016

Por fin Adrián puede tener una familia, algo que tanto ha deseado.



Nuria y Alex, Elena y Chicho y Ana y José organizan en su casa Villa Emilia un concierto con Mel Semé & Julio Carbonell - Músicas del mundo, para sus amigos, que en agradecimiento colaboran con Amantaní. Gracias.

Se van a Italia, también con sus familias, dos hermanos y dos hermanas a los que deseamos toda la felicidad del mundo. Cuánto los vamos a extrañar.


June 2016





Ingresan 4 hermanos de Paruro con padres alcohólicos.


May 2016

Liseth y Karin nos dejan después de tantos años de dar AMOR y cuidados a los bebés y pequeños.




Rosa con ocho bebés y una bebita.

Se bautizan algunos niños y niñas.





April 2016



Recibimos la visita de Mari Carmen Peralta de la empresa Traycco, que viene a visitar a los niños que viven en la Casa del Río, a los que Traycco apoya y con los que se comunica en videoconferencia cada jueves.


Organizan en Barcelona el I Torneo de Padel benéfico a favor de Amantaní el próximo 9 de abril en el Padel Indoor



Iniciativa de Esther Musolas, presidenta de Amantaní-BCN, con Nuria Balius, Elisabeth Sero, Elena Romagosa, Fernanda Rocamora y Cuca. Gracias.




March 2016




Empieza el año escolar. Asisten todos a partir de los 3 años.


Ingresan dos mellizos que al final regresan con su madre y dos pares de hermanos.


Vemos con mucha emoción cómo nace la familia Delfin con unos padres italianos jóvenes y tres hermanitos maravillos, cumpliéndose muchos sueños


January 2016

Las niñas y niños pequeños y medianos van a pasar quince días de vacaciones a Ccorca en dos turnos. Hector y Andrea, que han venido de voluntarios por dos meses y medio, les organizan durante una semana talleres y juegos.




Dos bebés de un mes hospitalizados, uno con sepsis y otro con neumonía intrahospitalaria cogida en otro hospital donde lo dejaron. Los dos pasan por UCI.






La Asociación Amantaní-BCN edita por cuarto año un calendario.


Gracias a todas las personas y amigos de Nefertiti, Qori Chaska,... que han traído Navidad a los niños de Amantaní.

Celebramos de nuevo Fin de Año disfrazados.






December 2015




!Muchísimas gracias a cada uno de los niños que nos han enviado noticias!



El 24 de diciembre ingresa un bebé de 10 días con la Policía y regresa a petición de la DIT con el nombre de Jesús Enmanuel.






November 2015



Por cuarto año la Asociación Amantaní-BCN participa en el Mercat de Nadal de Pedralbes para recoger fondos para Amananí de Cuzco . Es el cuarto año consecutivo en que participan y cuentan con tres mesas. Gracias a nuestras amigas teresianas por seguir organizandolo con tanto entusiasmo.

Llegan por fin los papás de Juan desde Madrid que ya no se quita su sonrisa. Y están a punto de llegar las familias de Edwin, Dulce y Sebastián.





Vienen 4 voluntarias de Barcelona (Elena, Fernanda, Eli y Cuca) para lo que haga falta y dando mucho color.




De nuevo este año Michael Turner organiza en Denver un mercadillo para ayudar a los niños de Amantaní. MUCHAS GRACIAS.


Nueva pasa de varicela que pilla a casi todos.



October 2015



Participamos de nuevo en el Concurso de Danzas organizado por el Hogar del INABIF Jesús Mi Luz y logramos el Segundo Puesto.




Lorena Moreno organiza un evento para apoyar a Amantaní en el Centro Parroquial San Francisco de Asís en Barcelona con la colaboración del Magic Pablo y es un éxito. Gracias.




Nos visitan por sorpresa, después de dos años y medio, los hermanitos Jesús y Cristhian con sus papás llenos de regalos para Amantaní y celebran su cumpleaños con una gran fiesta para todos. Qué emoción. Gracias.


La DIT la localiza y llega de Quillabamba y se encuentra con su nieta, a la que no veía desde los dos meses. Qué alegría nos ha dado cuidarla durante diez meses, tan bonita.


Muchos niños que viven en Amantaní están listos para tener una familia dentro de adopciones prioritarias. El MIMP ha iniciado este año la campaña Espero por ti.

La Fundación Roviralta nos apoya con un proyecto de mantenimiento de las casas. Gracias.

Llegan por fin los padres de Kevin que tanto tiempo les ha esperado y estalla todo el amor acumulado. Organizan una fiesta de despedida en la Casa del Río.

El grupo Teatral Metatese sigue apoyando a los niños de Amantaní. Gracias. 

Son 68 los niños y niñas que han ingresado este año en Amantaní, más cuatro que han reingresado. La última una bebé de seis meses como medida de protección por estar su madre ebria, un motivo frecuente de ingreso.


Nefertiti, un centro de belleza de lujo de Cusco, se ofrece para cortar el pelo de los niños y niñas de Amantaní permanentemente. Y nos hace una donación de articulos de primera necesidad. Gracias.



July 2015



CAMP Peru paints a beautiful mural in the Casa Blanca and the children really enjoy it.





Paola, Lorena and Elisenda have their  T-shirts painted with  Amantani children’s hands.  More volunteers arrive from Barcelona.

Rusbel can return with his family.


June 2015




We are still waiting for Kevin’s family to come from USA.

Karen turns eighteen.  She obtained  a Grant 18.

Fifteen year old Juan Carlos can live with his twenty two year old brother.

Jhasmine’s  parents arrive at Amantani and she is terribly happy, we have a party.


May 2015



Thirty four boys and girls have entered at Amantaní since the beginning ocan return with their families. We had to say no to many admission requests.


The last four admissions, a four year old baby found in a cementery, a one year old girl given away to DIT by her adolescent mother, a one year old girl whose inabriated mother was taken away and an eleven days baby who was abandoned at hospital.



On Mother’s day, a very praised festivity in Peru, boys and girls at Amantani celebrate it by participating in different activities at schools which have mixed feelings.


Isaías, whose mother died in childbirth, can go to live with his aunt after living at Amantaní for ten moths. También Marjori se va con su tía y Miguel .


El Grupo Solidaridad Tetra Pak de Italia nos apoya, a través del pequeño Lorenzo, en la reconstrucción del baño de la Casa Blanca. GRACIAS.


April 2015

Susana’s parents arrive at Amantani and they organize a beautiful farewell party for all their friends.

Lisi Schönhöfer, who always gives us support, is coming to Amantani to help us with whatever   she is needed for.  Thank you.




Holy Week. Children’s paintings.









Sometimes this is the way Amantani Children’ Home looks  from the outside when the neighbours leave their rubbish in front of the Home and it is not collected.



March 2015

Once again Javier Echevarria visits Amantani and he makes everyone happy with his presents and his outings.



Javier Morelli participates in the market organized  by his Primary School Fedrigoni de Riva del Garda in Italy and he encourages the school to allocate the benefits to the children at Amantaní by explaining his own experience when he lived at Amantaní. Thank you.





The Association YEC Barcelona gives James, who lived at Amantani, support to study engineering at UNSAC university.





CAMPS PERU Company (CAMPS INTERNATIONAL ) gives support to Amantani to rebuild the Wall of the White House. It collapsed due to heavy rain; by reconstructing the wall the two adjoining houses are also rebuilt. THANK YOU.

Sharmeli, John and Alexandra’s Italian parents arrive at Amantani and a new big family is born.

Fourteen year old Jack can return with his family. And fifteen year old Rocio can go back with his aunt and uncle.


Twenty girls and boys have entered at Amantani since the new year began and two more are readmitted. And we had to say no to many requests for admissions.


February 2015

On February the 10th two years ago Maria and David entered at Amantani. Two years later on the same date, their parents and their three brothers arrive at Amantani from USA. It is a  love display. There could be no better family for these two little brother and sister who we are going to miss so much.

Yeni and Elisabeth turn 18 and they become independent. They rent out a shared room.

Twenty one year old Alice takes her fifteen year old brother to live with her.


January 2015



We begin the New Year with the calendar made by Bcn- Association.
Thank you.

We disguise to see in the New Year.

Thank you to all the parents who send us photographs of their children. It allows us to see them growing up. 


December 2014

La empresa de diseño de moda +Studio decide destinar “sus cestas de Navidad" a favor de los niños y niñas de Amantaní, colaborando con la compra de útiles escolares, mochilas y uniformes para el próximo curso escolar, que empezará en marzo.

Queremos dar las gracias a Maneki por abrir un e-commerce solidario donde el 100% de los ingresos van destinados aAmantaní.

"Buscamos a gente mágica que se convierta por un momento en e-Rey Mago y nos ayude a reunir regalos para los niños más necesitados. Esta navidad, ¡repartamos felicidad!" ¡Gracias por vuestra colaboración!

La Asociación Amantaní-BCN participa por tercer año consecutivo en el Mercat de Nadal de Pedralbes para recoger fondos en beneficio de los hogares Amananí de Cuzco. Y este año cuentan con tres mesas. GRACIAS a todas nuestras amigas teresianas por organizarlo y por el éxito de este año.

La Policía trae a una bebé de tres meses, a una bebé de un año por encontrarse la madre en estado de ebriedad, y a una niña de tres años que ingresa por tercera vez y que esta vez la Policía decide no entregarsela a su madre.

Llegan los padres de la maravillosa Macarena desde Dinamarca y ella tan feliz.


November 2014

Logramos que nos den la Acreditación de todas nuestras casas hogar en el Registro Central de Lima del MIMP.

Angeles Luciana y David bonito se van tan felices con familias noruegas.Y Macarena es asignada a una familia de Dinamarca.


Octover 2014

El destino lleva a Angela a Navarra, cerca de su amiga Marixa. Angela llegó a Amantani, al mismo tiempo que Marixa y se hicieron amigos muy cercanos.


Nadia es asignado a una familia de Cusco.

Javier puede regresar con su familia.

Un niño de un año de edad entra en Amantaní por segunda vez. Su hermano vivía en Amantaní y que se fue hace siete años con su familia adoptiva.

Casa Verde es forzada y nos roban.


September 2014

Curro and Sabrina return to Amantani to stay for a year and give us their support. Thank you.

Spanish volunteers arrive at Amantani.

Eventually it is Vanesa’s turn and she goes with a family from Lima after living at Amantani for three years.

Richard can return with his family.


August 2014

There are more Spanish volunteers arriving at Amantani. Y Marta Fernández, que siempre colabora con Amantaní.

It is Amantani’s seventeenth anniversary.

Third National Adoption Council and no children can leave Amantani.


July 2014

Two brothers, three brothers, four brothers and two babies arrive at Amantani.

Spanish volunteers arrive at Amantani. Thanks so much Ines and Andrea for working so well.

Edwin turns eleven and Laura organizes a beautiful birthday party.

L. Carlota comes to visit us after ten years and and it is very moving. Alejandra, too.
Thank you for making us so happy with your visit.


June 2014





New  children  arrive at Amantani. And some other children can leave  with their families.

A baby with chickenpox  worsens and she is admitted in hospital. She has to stay three weeks.

Javier is leaving us and he is very  happy to go to Madrid  with his parents. He is looking forward to starting his new life.


May 2014

All the children who never had chicken pox  before  get infected. And some of them catch hepatitis A.




I.E.S Miguel de Mañara’s , San José de la Rinconada’s  and Sevilla’s students make and sell their own handicrafts and with the money they earn  they buy nappies for the babies at  Amantani.

We receive the visit of Traycco’s director, Eduard Quintana, . Traycco provides finantial support  to the funding of Casa del Río and it is permanently in contact with their people.   During his visit Eduard Quintana devotes himself to the children and adolescents brimming over with enthusiasm.

The weather begins to turn cold and heavy frosts have been forecast.
The judiciary  has been on strike for more than fourty six days affecting the progress of Fostering research and also to the boys and girls with no parental  care amongst many other children.


New tutors start working in the Family Houses and  they have more support strategies.


April 2014


We are expecting Eduard Quintana’s visit. He is arriving on the 25t.

Since the beginning of this year eighteen children have entered at Amantani. Three of them are coming for the second time.

Ananaw Wasi managed to get the support needed for Children and babies who require  physical and speech therapy  to have the treatment in the Home.




Marixa has been assigned to Spain with a Spanish family and Javier to Spain with a Spanish- Peruvian famil by the MIMP.

Luz Alexandre is very happy to leave the Home with her parents and her brother  to the USA. Her mother is Peruvian.


March 2014

We  continue refurbishing the houses thanks to MERCEDES ARMENGOU Riera.


It is the beginning of the school year and all the children aged three onwards are attending.  Apoyamos a niños egresados de Amantaní con matrículas y las listas de materiales escolares.



A two day old baby boy son of an adolescent mother, first left at a hospital is brought to the Home by the police;  three days later mother and son are both taken in at Mantay. They also bring an abandoned ten days old baby girl found on the street , a year and a half old  girl found alone , and a four year old boy from Puerto Maldonado wandering on his own.  He is unclaimed.


The police brings us three siblings . Their parents have drinking problems. One of the boys had already  been taken in at Amantani with another brother.

The Tourism Provincial Prosecutor’s Office  gives support to Amantani again providing us the money  obtained by the civil reparations imposed against tourists committing offences . With the money we buy food for the Home. This time  Coreans report a fake robbery   to make a claim on the insurance company.

Through Ananaw Wasi we are given a donation of early stimulation material : swings, trampoline, five-a-side football, table tennis, basketball baskets, punchball and gloves distributed amongst the Houses for all the children to enjoy. They play non-stop.

Jhon Antoni and Flor de María have been allocated to families from Lima and Tacna by the last Family Adoption Council.


February 2014

An abandoned four months’ old baby girl was found in a cardboard box at the door of the Home. An official report is drawn up by the police.


A one-year old baby who was brought in on the 31st of December is collected by his adolescent mother and will live with her in Cristo Vive.

The police bring us: a lost 2-year old who's mother comes to look for him the following day; two brothers of 6 and 1 who's mother (25) is going through a difficult personal and financial situation and who consequently tried to poison herself and the children with rat poison; a 3-month old baby taken away from the grandmother for drunkeness; a two-month old baby also removed as a protective measure, from a drunken mother; y a un niño de 3 años que la policía encuentra solo en su casa subido al tejado.

The children of Amantaní attend holiday courses organised by the municipality and the police.

Manuel y Luz Alexandra are assigned adoptive families in Lima and the USA.


January 2014


We begin the new year with our now traditional fancy dress party.




Pablo is assigned to a family in Arequipa.

Dennis and Jhoseline are able to return to their families after two years.

Our new tutors begin work.

Over Christmas María and Natividad have come from Italy to be with us along with their parents, and to support us in caring for the children and maintaining the houses. WE THANK YOU.

THANKS to everyone who has made it possible that we continue to provide for the children.

In the festive season once again Amantaní-Corca has invited us to their houses where our children will spend eight days.


December 2013


Merry Christmas



Clica foto.


A two year old girl is received because the police have detained the mother. And on 31 December a one year old boy is brought to us due to being left isolated.

For the second year the Teresianas publish of Barcelona publish a calendar for Amantaní.


Four year old Abigail returns to her family. 16 year old Alberto can return to live with his father, and Hilda enters adulthood and becomes independent, sharing accommodation with four other girls who lived in Amantaní.

Darío goes happily with his parents, who organise a party with balloons, a clown and Father Christmas.

On top of the unconquerable slowness in the processes of investigation of potential parents the DGA has added further requirements for adoption. During 2013 only 11 children have been able to join adoptive families. More than 10 in a clear state of parental need they had to spend over a year in Amantaní including Christmas and part of 2014.

From December, in Cusco it will be the DIT (Dirección de Investigación Tutelar), answerable to MIMP, who will administrate the process, and not the courts. This will affect the new admissions.


Qori Chaska y Novotel again celebrate Christmas with the children of Amantaní.


Luis Balius has again organised a supper to show his nativity scene and ask for donations to Amantaní.

IKASTOLA ZANGOZ again organises the Pro Amantaní Market and has sent us the children's drawings. Thank you.




For the second year running in the Christmas market of the Pedralbes Monastery of Barcelona our friends the teresianas set up a stall in support of Amantaní. Thanks to all for your efforts and for ensuring that between all of us Amantaní goes forward.


November 2013

We have received a donation from Fundación MERCEDES ARMENGOU RIERA which has allowed us to make improvements and repairs needed in the houses in order to give better attention to the children. Founded in 2007, the Foundation achieves the desire of Mercedes Armengou Riera to assign funds every year to assist work which benfits childhood. MANY THANKS.


Getting ready for the daily walk.


Birthday party for six children who are still waiting to leave.


The older ones in the Houses really go for it.


October 2013

Eventually Nicola and Franco’s parents arrive  at Amantaní. And shortly Fabian and Dario’s parents too, after waiting for so long. The four of them will be with either Peruvian or mixed adoptive families.

We continue having problems in finding supervisors for the role of substitute mothers for the Family Houses.


September 2013


Andie Reis comes back for two months to help with whatever she is needed for. Thank you.



Training educational social workers, from the Pere Tarres foundation and others, arrive at Amantaní.

Ananaw Wasi keeps on giving support to the children at Amantaní through different institutions.


August 2013

Lucas comes to visit us from Germany, he is the first boy to leave Amantaní with his adoptive family and to return at the age of sixteen. Thanks for making us feel so happy.

A ten day old baby from Pautarcambo, her mother having mental and physical problems, arrives at Amantaní. And a three year old boy too.




Curro Moreno and Marina come over to Cusco to do  volunteer work and they open an Amantaní account on Facebook.


This time, Cesar returns with Silvia and they do a good job with both the children and  the adolescents.


July 2013

Lissi did volunteer work during her first three years at Amantani and then she  worked devotedly  as a physiotherapist , as a mum of the babies and the little ones and as a tutor of the Casa del Rio. She is now returning to Lima. We are so grateful to her for having been where she was needed to be and for giving so much love to the children.  



Through Ananaw Wasi, Pepa Flores Dance Conservatoire and the “ School for Everybody”  Foundation organize a show that will be performed at the Antonio Gala theatre which has been  granted  to them by the Alhaurin el Grande council. The purpose is to provide support teachers for the kids at Amantani  for next school year.  




Álvaro Ortuño Balius, whose family offers Amantani ongoing support, is coming over to work as a volunteer on a full time basis. 




Three brothers   found alone in their home a five months old baby the youngest  of the three enter Amantani ; a premature baby girl of a mother with mental and physical disorders, and two others their mother inebriated; another one is found at a bar on his own.



June 2013

It is very difficult for us to find full- time tutors taking the role of substitute mothers at the Family Houses.

At last we see Miguelito with a family. Like most of the other children now, he will go to Lima.

With the arrival of the European summer  more volunteers  begin to arrive at Amantani.

In the middle of the frost season the temperatures  drop  to one degree below zero. 


A mother suffering from mental disorders has her baby taken away.

Children  at the Residential Homes for Children  will no longer be supervised by  the Women Department nor by the Vulnerable small villages ( MIMP) but by the Regional Government of Cusco. 


May 2013

Labour Day, and of the mommies  at Amantani  who always work during holidays or  festivities.



Four adolescents at Amantani  take the iniciative to gather  together  all  the kids in the houses  in a meeting in honour of the tutor- mommies.


A baby who is delivered by his adolescent mother is taken in at Amantani.

The parents of a girl who lived at Amantani come back to find a little brother for her. This is the second time that this happens to us through DGA- that two kids who have lived at Amantani become siblings.


April 2013

Because of the cold weather and  of a virus the  babies  get sick and two of them have to be admitted in hospital . They  recover  by the end of the month.  Kids and babies with no identity paper still don’t have the right to have state medical care. 

Ariana has eventually been able to go to Huánuco from where she came from when she arrived in Cusco  eight years ago and to look for her family.  She is about to turn fourteen and this journey has  made possible for us to locate her mother and her brothers who live in Lima. They have spoken to each other on the phone and shortly they are coming to meet up with her. Thanks so much Begoña for making it possible.


Oscar Vidal is supporting  us with Dream Gatherers  as they are  painting the façade of the Home for Children that  had not been painted for  so long and it looks like a new house.


It makes us very happy that Mariana and Luis Ángel who lived at Amantaní  come to pay us a visit  all the way  from  Spain and Italy.


March 2013

Forty four kids from Amantani  start at  school and they are all distributed in fourteen different  schools.

A boy was found in the terminal.  He is picked up by his parents on the following day. Also two little brothers who got lost were picked up by their parents who came over to Cusco at Easter.


January 2013

HAPPY NEW YEAR and thank you to all the people who help us to carry on.



As usual we dressed up to begin the New Year.

A two year old boy who was found walking along the roads on his own is referred to Amantani.

A baby born in 2013 whose mother died in childbirth (at home) is taken in- at Amantani. A baby referred to PNP arrives at Amantani  and also a year and a half boy whose mother is disabled.

These coming holidays the children are going to Corca for three weeks . They are staying at  Amantani Corca organization who  kindly offered us their boarding facilities. 

We have had no allocations since last August due to the court strike.  Eventually, seven children from  Amantani will be given for adoption to families by DGA.  It will all be either  Peruvian or mixed  Peruvian - Spanish families. One of the boys called Oscar suffering  from cerebral palsy was admitted at San Juan de Dios hospital to receive  intensive therapeutic  treatment.  After being in hospital for eight months, Oscar met a family from Cusco who wanted to be his adoptive family and was eventually adopted when he was two years and two months of age.  It is the best news of the year.      


December 2012


Javier Echevarria returns to Cusco once again to go on supporting Amantani Residential Home for Children and to organize activities for all of us.


Luis Balius gives a dinner party for the fifth consecutive year to show the Christmas cribs he has made to his friends, inviting them to support Amantaní. Thank you so much.

A baby boy born to a teenager mother is admitted. Another baby girl was also referred to Amantani: she was left behind in a taxi by her inebriated mother who claims her back and picks her up on the following day. A baby boy whose mother was inebriated and a baby girl born to a mentally disturbed mother brought from Puerto Maldonado also arrive at Amantani. A one-year-and-a-half boy is also referred to us.

Ikastola de Sangüesa (Navarra) organized the twelfth solidarity market to support Amantaní. THANK YOU.


Once again NOVOTEL gives a Christmas party for all our youngest kids. And Qori Chaska organizes their traditional party with hot chocalate and presents in Amantaní.



At the end of the year Loreto Santé is leaving her job as a psychologist at Amantaní. She has made huge contributions both as a psychologist and as a person to our work project and to our working approach during five years. Thank you.

We are very grateful for all the photos and for all the news we have received at Christmas from all the children who are no longer at Amantani.


November 2012


Opens a stall at the Christmas Market in Pedralbes Monastery in Barcelona to raise funds for Amantani. Thank you.




Two sisters, 4 and 3 years of age respectively, will be able to return with their mother after ten months. This will take place when the Judiciary brings to an end the indefenite strike.

The brothers Jesús and Cristian are all ready for the arrival of a family for them. And six months old Alfonso and two year old Juana too. With the ongoing strike it could be difficult for them to have the possibility of  spending Christmas with their families.


Margot Vera is leaving us after so many years of dedication to children and to babies at Amantani. Thank you for doing it with so much love.



Ananaw Wasi is organizing a drawing competition in the CEIP La Paz, in San José de la Rinconada in Sevilla, and there is 42 children from Amantani participating. The prizes for the winners are on their way.


October 2012

Rosita will see her dream come true, and she is on her right to have a family with three brothers.

Marcela, the tutor of Casa Blanca –together with her husband Hugo until March- for more than four years, has to leave her job, after having given so much love to the children.

Ananaw Wasi administers the support coming from la Rinconada, Sevilla, to provide schooling in private schools to six kids from Amantaní. Thank you.

A girl whose mother is dead and her father alcoholic enters Amantaní.


September 2012


New babies are admitted.




Ivonne , Social Assistant of Amantaní during ten years, leaves the post. She will remain part of the Cuzco Association CE PROGRESSES AMANTANI. Thank you for all these years of constant dedication to our children.



August 2012

Amantani is fifteen years old and thank you to all those people who have been and are still helping us to help.

They bring us three little brothers as their neighbours called the police because they were left on their own.

Maite, a wonderful eight months baby girl, has already got parents who are from Lima and who are on their way.

Cristian can go with his uncle and aunt after living at Amantaní for nine years. His three brothers remain with us.

The association Pasa la Voz is organizing once again a course for three month babies and adolescents, this time it is a photography course. Photographs taken by the kids. Subject matter : your favourite object and others.

The theatre group Metatese from Galicia comes back and prepares once again a performance with our kids participating. Thank you.


July 2012

We say goodbye to Demise, our Casa del Río tutor. For almost four years she has been doing wonderful work. Lisi takes over from her.

In Barcelona, the association Amantaní-Bcn is set up which will allow tax relief on contributions to Amantaní. It will also support the development activity in Cusco.

A baby weighing two kilos arrives at Amantaní from hospital.

Boys and girls who lived with us at Amantaní come for a visit us and we are really happy to see them.


June 2012

MIMP starts visiting every CAR in Cusco for the first time to supervise the quality and the conditions of Care and to asses their situation.  A ten per cent of the CAR institutions are run by the State and the rest are private. 



Maite Segú who came to help us full time at the Residential Home for Children last November is now organizing an association called Cusi Wawacha in la Garriga (Barcelona) and is organizing activities in support of Amantaní. Thank you!


Two brothers whose parents are in prison enter Amantani. And also a two year old boy whose parents are alcoholic.

Four brothers can go back with their family. We will follow them up from Amantani.


May 2012


It is Mother’s Day and it is so much celebrated in Peru and in the schools. It can be difficult for some of our kids: “the word mummy is hard for me”, a girl says.


Abraham has been referred to Lima to be examined by specialists and LAN is paying for the tickets.

Paola who is the aunt of a girl who lived in Amantaní, has come over from Belgium to help us out for four months.

Teachers go on strike and the Family Courts.

Currently there are more people in Peru with an identity card than a few years ago which makes it easier when we try to locate the relatives of the children who are never visited and we are now looking for them.

The children who do not have an identity card which is most of the ones who arrive at the residential Home for children are not covered by the all- round State Health Inssurance that does not make an exception with this section of the population like Enrique’s case who has once again been admitted to hospital.


April 2012

12th April: The International Day of the Street Child. 1st of May: International Labour Day.

Finally it is the turn of Julia and Edison - the SNA have asigned them families in Switzerland and Lima.


Anita's mother died at childbirth and her father, with eight children, was advised to leave her in a home due to her Down's Syndrome. Now, after 10 years we found her father, who had been trying to find her.


The theatre group 'Metatese de Galicia' brought us their performance in which the children could participate.


March 2012

We have turned the section for boys and girls who are older than three at Amantaní Residential home for Children into a self-contained family house and it has already been opened, though it is an annex building and a transitory house. Ananaw Wasi has given us their support providing us with some furniture that was needed.


We received a visit by the personnel of TRAYCCO for a week. Their humanitarian team is going to fund, and establish ongoing bonds with, la Casa del Río. THANKS.



The school year begins and we enrol 48 kids, and we give support to some kids who are already day students. Marina’s parents and friends are helping us out by providing us the uniforms.

Daniel is going to have parents from Denmark.


For two months we've suffered an outbreak of measles in the Home.

Unos payasos amigos de Lourdes nos regalan una divertida actuación en el Hogar Amantaní.


February 2012

The older children are going on holidays for twenty days to Katañiray where the Almeria Solidarity Association are letting us use their facilities.

The SNA assigns Borja to a Peruvian family, Katy to a family from the United States and Milagros to an Italian Family.

Alicia Josa is coming for two months to help us full time and  in every possible way. THANKS.

The Andes - Switzerland - Peru Popular Workshop Association makes us a donation of furniture from their Garden for Children.


January 2012

We take a four year old girl and her two year old sister who arrive at Amantani with the police with a formal complaint. The neighbours of the little sisters reported that they found the girls locked up in the room where they lived.

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012 We thank all the people who are helping us to continue.


December 2011



Merry Christmas

Clica en la foto



(con fotos de Elena López y Carmen Echevarría)





More children arrive at the residential home for children to spend Christmas with us.






We thank our Teresianas friends in Barcelona for consistently supporting Amantani residential home for children and now at Christmas for their sales of a calendar.



Novotel comes once again to Amantani residential home for children for Christmas and brings along with them lots of presents and the organization of this beautiful party and we are once again invited to this other party at which one drinks hot chocolate in Qori Chaska and we share presents with our youngest kids.

Daniel is very happy as he is leaving us to go to Lima after having waited for so long. He is going with his parents and his brother to spend the best Christmas in he has ever had in his whole life.
We are informed that Alejandra is going to have a family in North America.

We are very grateful for the news and for the photos we have received for Christmas from the ones who have left us.

Clarita and Helen who are ten and eight years old come to visit us from Sweden and Barcelona. Thanks so much.


November 2011

MIMDES organizes the “First Internacional Congress of Quality of Care in Residental Units”. In the programme there is a Panel of Presentation of “Succesful Experiences of Quality of Care in Residential Units” where three CAR have been invited to give a presentation in which they will explain their own experience. Amantaní is one of them.

*CAR: is the umbrella term for Residential Homes for Children, Care Homes for Children, Respite Care for Children.



Amantaní came third in the Residential Homes for Children competition of Dances which was organized by the INABIF, with the Cholo Qorilazo dance.



With Marco’s arrival it is a thousand children taken in Amantaní since it started fourteen years ago. On the following day a three month old baby is also taken in. His mother leaves him at the Ministry.  Y al poco llega una bebé recién nacida encontrada en la vía pública.


Our Sirammamy friends provide with support with their solidarity based market They visit our center.




October 2011

Paola, who arrived at Amantaní when she was a year and a half old with her eight year old sister is turning nine.

PNP takes in children as a temporary protection measure.

Adolfo is leaving us and he is going to Italy with his family, he is so happy. We find out that Omar and Daniel are both going to have parents from Lima.

We want to thank our teresianas friends for their permanent support to Amantaní Residential Home for Children.


September 2011

Luciana is leaving us and she is going to Italy with her parents. She will find hapiness.


August 2011


Alberto’s father appears after his not having seen his son for more than ten years.
Four brothers whose mother is alcoholic arrive at Amantaní.

In August we are counting with the help of many Spanish volunteers.

Wilfred’s parents arrive from Italy and it is for him who has waited for them for so long.


July 2011

Our friends form Ananaw Wasi who have been supporting our children for a long time fix the patio laundry in the family home Casa Blanca because it was needed  urgently. Thank so much !!!


Young parents from Lima come for Maria who feels so happy. And SNA inform us that Noel’s parents are arriving from Italy!


Lourdes and Begoña Echevarría who are always supporting Amantaní are coming over for the first time and they are doing Pedagogical Assesment. Aurora is coming over for the seventh time.
Lourdes Sánchez Monge is coming back to do some voluntary work for a long period of time.


June 2011

The "Pasa la Voz" comes to one of the workshops in which kids in Amantaní are taught and they bring singer-songwriter Pablo Fernández to give the children a small concert and to teach them how to express themselves.

It is the Father’s Day celebration and our children are performing in the schools

Michael's Belgium family is eventually arriving. He is 34 months old and this is what he wants the most.

Sixteen year old Altair was able to return with his brother after his staying in Amantaní for many years. On his own iniciative he gives the older children a moving talk about his personal experience in Amantaní and about the difficulties of life outside so that they can value and enjoy it and take the most out of their present situation.


May 2011

An anniversary party for those kids turning one to three is organized by the childminders.

Joaquín who was newly born when he arrived is now two years old and four months and he can now go with his mother and his little sister.

Luca's parents arrive, they are an Italian young couple and he is filled with love form the very first moment.

Mother's day is a great celebration in Perú. Some of our children participate in the school performances. Three year olds perform " I am your Little Angel".


Two brothers - 10 and 8 years old - return to Amantaní after two years. The case, of children who were placed back in their own families and who have to return to Amantaní, is repeated.


April 2011

12th of April :  International day of "Street Children".

PNP brings us a two year old girl who was found int the street. And a two months old baby who was left in a hostal of the terrestrial Terminal.

For the tenth year running Javier Echevarría comes to Amantaní to support us and to organize creative activities for the children.

Lupita's parents arrive from Arequipa and everthing from the start is beautiful.

Pilarcita goes with her mother and she is happy and also she can share and she can give out her joy and her happiness in the way that she knows.

SNA informs us that Michael has been put into a Belgium family and Lucas to an Italian family.


March 2011

The beginning of the school term is delayed because of the heavy rains.

Yusep and Azumi can return with their mother, who has another son at hospital with leukaemia.

The grandmother and the adolescent mother of a NN baby, who came to us when he was eight months old because he was abandoned, turn up and they request the court to put the child into their care.

Miguel Echevarría and Borja are coming to Amantaní for a month and a half.

February 2011


N., who was brought to us from Puerto Maldonado in April 2010 because his thirteen year old mother handed him over to the court, is now back with his mother because this is what she requested and it was granted to her. They will continue living in the Santa Marta Home because the mother is a minor.


Beautiful Fátima is very happy to leave and to go with her parents from Italy. And we are informed by the SNA that Mirna's parents are arriving from Italy.


January 2011

Last August the police brings us a seven month old baby who has been abandoned at a hospital where he has received medical treatment for two months. On the following day he is taken to Court and he is ordered to be sent to another Home. He is admitted to hospital again and when he is discharged he is taken into custody because of his delicate condition and then he returns to Amantaní. We do not know who, while he away, gave him the name of Máximo, to him who is tiny. He has left us with no time for good byes and terribly upset for not having known how to help him more. Max, how much we would have wanted him to have waited for his family!


Three year old Efraín joins in Amantaní with his two brothers who were staying at another home. And also Sol and Ángel's sisters are coming from another home to Amantaní so that the four of them can be together.

On the same night the police brings us two pairs of brothers. Two of them go back with their mother.

Fifteen and fourteen year old Ana and Vero will eventually be able to go and live with their sister who will be backed up from Amantaní.


The older kids are going to spend their holidays in Katañiray where the association Almería Solidaria is taking us in.



December 2010

Click the photo

The police brings us two little sisters and a baby. They also bring a seven-month-old fat baby boy who was abandoned in front of a home for girls.


Five children can return to their families. Among them there is Andrés, whose mother died in childbirth and has spent his first fifteen months in Amantaní, and who has gone back now with his father and brothers and sisters to their community, at 4,300 feet. Merry Christmas!


Christmas was amongst kids who enjoy everything so much. And on Christmas eve as usual they all wore disguise.

Christmas was amongst kids who enjoy everything so much. And on Christmas eve as usual they all wore disguise.



Thanks a lot to the parents who bring us such great joy by sending us news and photos of their children! And to all the children who have surprised us coming to visit us this year.


November 2010

The Comisaría de Familia brings us back three brothers who have not been accepted by their nineteen year old mother. And three children with alcoholic parents, two brothers and a three year old girl who returns to Amantaní for the fourth time and whose seven year old brother arrives on the following day. They also bring us two brothers, aged three and one.
The Court orders the admission of an abandoned two month old baby who was in hospital with meningitis and of a baby girl whose 14 year old mother decides to keep her with the support of her family.


Baptism in the Church of San José.



Valentina and Rene leave us very happily with Peruvian families. And the SNA informs us of the arrival of Bernardo´s family which is from Lima.


October 2010


Julia comes to volunteer for almost three months.



The police brings a baby who was found abandoned in a pot in the Via Express and another one who was abandoned in the Plaza San Francisco. They also bring a baby girl who is a few days old whose mother is handicapped and left her in the hospital, and a three-year-old-boy whose mother suffers from mental health problems.

Aydé is leaving us. She is to live with a family from Sevilla who adopted another child from Amantaní in 1999. The three of them are coming to fetch her. Congratulations!


August 2010

It is Amantaní's 13th anniversary on August the 8th and we are all celebrating it by attending a small circus which we are organizing in the neighbourhood.

We are counting on the support of a physiotherapist from Lima.

Aracely is allowed to live with her grandparents, who have asked for her custody at Court. She was separated from her mother when she was incapacitated. Jeferson leaves us to happily go with his parents to Luxembourg, getting all the love he needs. Paolo and Pamela also meet their parents, who arrive on the same day, and they will live in Loreto and Arequipa respectively.

Janeth turns 18 years old and she becomes independent.


July 2010

Santiago happily left with his parents who live in Luxemburg. And Frank's parents and brother will arrive soon from Italy.

A twenty-five-day-old baby from Urubamba has been admitted.

We readmit an 8-month old baby and an 18-month old boy who the police had again removed from their mothers due to drunkenness.


June 2010

Federico's parents arrive from Malaga and love is huge from the moment they meet. And Sebastian and Jefferson have been assigned.

A baby girl born in a truck on the way to Cusco, and two babies born in the hospital, have been brought to us.


May 2010

Gerard has left with his parents from Barcelona, Carla Marleny with her parents and brother from Italy, and Jacob with his parents and sister from Andorra. Everybody organised a farewell party for them.

We have news of the arrival of Santiago's parents, who live in Luxemburg.

Nicol can return with her mother to Puerto Maldonado after being with us for 4 months.

We admit five babies: a child of a mother declared unfit, a baby of an alcoholic mother, a baby of a mentally unstable mother, a Downs Syndrome baby with high-risk complications (child of an abused young Downs Syndrome woman) who is passed on to another centre after 3 days as we're not equipped to care for him. And a baby of an adolescent mother.


April 2010


We have redecorated and improved the activity room. Thank you Aurora and Lules.



Three babies have been admitted: one of four months, whose mother, from Puerto Maldonado, can't cope with the responsibility; one from Cusco whose 14-year-old mother is unfit, and an orphan baby girl of three months.


A group of performers from San Francisco came to Amantaní with their Circo de los Sueños to give us a marvellous show which left the children wide-eyed.



Carmen and Gema, together with Carlos and Antonio, from Malaga and Seville, continue giving support to Amantaní. Their latest fundraiser was a crafts stall at an Altrenative Fair. Thank you!



March 2010


Beginning of schools for all the children above three years old.




Two sisters of 14 and 4 years old have been admitted because their mother is in prison and their father is an alcoholic. And three sisters whose mother died when the River Quitamayo, a tributary of the Vilcanota, broke its banks on 4th March have also come to Amantaní.

And in the last week three baby girls of a few days old have been brought to us.

Nina Bernat, who came to visit us on the 1rst of January, goes on with her commitment of helping the children of Amantaní. Thank you so much for your support!


February 2010

We celebrate a big party for all the children whose first, second and third birthday have been these months.

This month we count with the help of many volunteers. And Aurora comes back.

The students of Centre Jordi of Granollers (Barcelona) declare their solidarity and collect money for the children of Amantani.


January 2010

Two babies are admitted. And two children come back after almost a year. One is born from an alcoholic mother, and the other comes from a destructured family to which is returned after a week.

Livia´s parents arrive from Lima , and there is empathy between them from the first moment. Anthony goes, very happy, with his parents.



One again we welcome the visit of Mike Partridge, who continues giving us support and never forget the children from Amantaní. THANK YOU, PAPI MIKE!



Wilder happily meets his parents from Piure, and they leave us with a very nice party. And we receive the news of the arrival of Livia´s parents from Lima , of Valeria´s parents from Belgic and of Rosalinda and Mariela´s parents from Madrid , who have been waiting for them for so long.

Again ZANGOZAKO IKASTOLA organizes a bazaar to raise money for the children of Amantaní, as they have been doing from 2005. Thank you again.


December 2009

The parents of Natividad y María arrive from Italy, - the children await them joyfully. And they have given us the news that the patents of Wilder of Perú, y los de Antony de Bélgica. Cuántas emociones.



Three babies come to spend Christmas in Amantani.



And for the ninth year running Javier Echevarría comes to Cusco to continue supporting Amantaní and to organise activities for the children.

A campaign, "Solidarity Bracelets", is being organised in Malaga and Seville in Spain to support Amantaní. Thanks to all the participants and the children of Maestro Antonio Rodríguez school in San José de La Rinconada, Seville, for their solidarity.


October 2009

In one week the police bring 4 babies to the home; one premature and abandoned in the hospital, two that were handed in; and another whose mother has died and the father, who has 5 other children, asked for helped to care for the child for the first year. One of them is 4 months old and weighs 2.6kg.


August 2009



Lules and Juan come to support us for four months.



Isabel se va a USA

Ronaldiño is dieing having recently celebrated his 3rd birthday. His mother, who was raped in her community when she was just 14, didn't know how to take care of him and after giving him his name handed him in. As a baby, he got ill very frequently and with 18 months, we took him to Lima where he was diagnosed with pulmonary microlitiases, an illness with no cure except a transplant. It therefore suited him to live at sea level, but we didn't succeed in finding him somewhere to stay and after 8 months he has returned to Amantani without symptoms. Because of his illness he was never adopted. With a flu, which has ended in pneumonia and an advancement of his illness, he leaves us in less than a week. Ronaldiño, how we wish you hadn't gone.


July 2009

J. enters the home because his father asked for help in the court due to Jairo's mother's illness. The mother died 2 months ago. With 9 months, J. returns to his community with his father and his two brothers.



June 2009


With 20 months, Jhojan has left us.
A son of a disabled teenage mother, he entered the home a year ago.
Last week, he underwent a failed operation.
Everyone that had the joy of sharing his life will never forget his tenderness, his smile and all the happiness that he brought to our lives, a happiness, which will help allieviate the sadness that he leaves.



May 2009

Ignacio is going to Italy with his new very young parents. We wish him the very best.

Last December, Rosemary left the orphanage with her Peruvian adoptive parents only to be later handed back to the National Secretary of Adoptions in Lima, and in turn to an orphanage in Lima. Finally she has a pair of Italian parents. We wish her all the happiness that she deserves.

Ivette celebrates her 15th birthday. She arrived as a six year old.


April 2009

This year, the police have already brought 26 children to Amantani.


March 2009

The authors of the book Cinco Madres, Cinco Historias (Five mothers, five stories) have decided to donate 100% of the writers rights to the children of the orphanage as they bring out a second edition. Thank you Beatriz Galán, Sara Fontacaba, Rosa Hernández, Daniela Kähler and Montse Vilà for thinking, as mothers, of the children who have none.


Lourdes is coming to Cusco to help in the Home for two months. Thank you, Lourdes!

Two 18 year-old mothers decided to recover their children after giving them to the police.



January 2009


Aurora comes back and spends one month and a half with us.


Nine children arrive, four of them babies, the weight of one is 1.79 kg.



After 132 satisfactory adoptions, a 3 years and 8 months old girl has been given back to us by her adoptive parents whom she happily went with last December, because of possible health problems. The girl has proved to be healthy and is now in a home in Lima where she is waiting for other adoptive parents.


December 2008

Javier Echevarría comes for his annual visit to Amantaní. For two weeks he maintains a packed timetable of activities with the children and staff of Amantaní. His stay coincides with the arrival of Carmen, who visited us years ago and who is warmly welcomed.




November 2008

Mario goes, very happy, to Barcelona with his parents.


September 2008



Dussan Loaiza passes the entrance exam for university (aged 7 in this photo).





August 2008

Amantaní celebrates its 11th Anniversary. Pilar Navarro and family celebrate with us.





July 2008

The wonderful Miriam, and the "simpáticos" Sebastián and Sergio are going for adoption. All of them to Lima. We wish for them all the happiness that they have given us.

Carmen Lilian from Spain and Lotte from Holland (9 and ten years old) came back to visit us. It gives us huge satisfaction to see them so grown up, friendly and happy after so many years.


June 2008

Mike and the children in the 'casario'     We inaugurate our 3rd family home

This month we inaugurate our third family home, with the surprise visit of Mike Partridge who has made the house possible. Ten more children will benefit from sharing the house in a family environment.

From the Amantaní home, Rafael and Angel are being adopted (in Italy). We're going to miss them a lot but we wish them all the happiness which has been waiting for them.


May 2008

We open a boarding school in the district of Ccorca

Thanks to Fred Branson, we've opened a boarding school in the district of Ccorca. Set up to benefit the young girls of the mountainous region who previously had to walk for two hours in order to attend their classes, it is housed in a building provided by the community and has been specially renovated for this use. Its capacity is twenty-two beds for the girls from the most distant communities, whom now have somewhere to stay.


April 2008

Isabel se va a USA

Dayana is reunited with her mother after staying ten months in Amantaní. Her mother had left her in the care of another woman in Puerto Maldonado, who, with no sign of the mother, reported the case. On her return to the woman, Dayana's mother started to look for her daughter and is now finally reunited with her in Cusco.



March 2008

Monica, who has spent the last four and a half years with Amantaní, is going with her step-sister to Cerro de Pasco.

Isabel is going to the USA. Finally a girl who knows how to give so much love will get the hugs she so greatly deserves.

And the marvelous Gabriela leaves us for Italy.


February 2008

Javier Echevarría with the children AmantaníMariona Echevarría


Javier Echevarría came for his annual visit to Amantaní with his daughter Mariona.




Michael, at 6 years old, goes for adoption with some wonderful Italian parents - we foresee happiness for him.



January 2008

La Policía ingresa a dos primos por supuesto maltrato The police admit two cousins for presumed maltreatment. And they bring us two recently born babies, having removed them from their mother's care.

The police decide to return the two cousins to their mother.



December 2007

Mike Partridge, un gran amigo de Amantaní






Mike Partridge, a great friend and supporter of Amantaní, came to visit us for a week. He has undertaken to help us with the purchase of a house which will become our third Family Home.



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